Around the world
July 24th 2007 - Ridgecrest PDF Print
Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Today was the day Dossi and Skuli got their bikes. Einar and Sverrir changed filters and oil on their bikes to make them ready for the next leg of the journey. Then at noon they took off.

After about 300km they arrived in a small town called Ridgecrest a little further north and in the desert. The temperature has been around 35-40°C (95-105°F), rather hot but they said it was ok.

To Sverrir and Einar the landscape reminded them of Mongolia, only now they were riding on asphalt instead of a dirt road.

Death Valley, the lowest point of the US, is their destination tomorrow. As it's below sealevel they should expect a lot of heat there. Then it's on to Las Vegas.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 28 July 2007 )
July 23rd 2007 - Santa Monica PDF Print
Monday, 23 July 2007

Dossi and Skuli have arrived in Santa Monica and when the travelers got in touch they were having a proper American breakfast.

Yesterday they'd gone to a place where bikers generally meet on Sundays and guess who comes riding on his shiny bike... no other than Jay Leno. They had a conversation with him and of course they took a few pictures of them with him. A very pleasant surprise and one of the things that make the journey so special.

Later today they'll go visit the studio where CSI:Miami is shot. Egill Örn Egilsson, or Eagle Egilsson as he's called in the US, the director of photography for some of the episodes on the show has been a great help (picked up Dossi and Skuli from the airport amongst other things) and has offered to show them Hollywood. 

They may also be interviewed for some of the Icelandic media before they go on the road tomorrow.

These are very exciting things that have been happening but it's getting closer and closer to the end of their journey and the families are getting anxious to see them again. 

Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 July 2007 )
July 22nd 2007 - Santa Monica PDF Print
Sunday, 22 July 2007

They've arrived in Los Angeles, are in Santa Monica at a motel by the beach.

Riding yesterday was hot as the temperature was around 40°C (105°F).

The plan is to stay a bit, until Dossi and Skuli get their bikes and then it's onwards towards the East Coast of the US.

Remember to look at Sverrir's blog.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 22 July 2007 )
July 21st 2007 - San Simeon PDF Print
Saturday, 21 July 2007

Yesterday was a lot of fun as they went to look at the Moto GP. The bikes there go incredibly fast and it's thrilling to watch them.

Einar renewed his helmet but the old one has been allowed to tag along for now at least. 

After the Moto GP they rode about 250km in 25°C (77°F) to a small town called San Simeon where they spent the night. Next they'll take roads no 58 and 5 down to LA where they'll meet their father and Skuli.

July 20th 2007 - Monterey PDF Print
Friday, 20 July 2007

Yesterday was a short day, only about 250km driven. Looking at the Golden Gate bridge and the area surrounding it was brilliant, just like being in a movie.

They rode near the beach to Monterey and wondered why so many motorcycles were going the same way. Soon they found out that the Moto GP will be held in Monetey this weekend and it's estimated that some 50 thousand people will be there. They're thinking about being at the timing tomorrow.

It's only a short while until Dossi (their father) and Skuli meet them in LA.

Remember to read Sverrir's blog and look at the new pictures there. 

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