Around the world
5. júlí - Anchorage Alaska PDF Print
Thursday, 05 July 2007

Lentir í Alaska eftir um þriggja tíma flug frá Seattle og komnir á hótel.

Sverrir var í viðtalinu á Rás 2 rúmlega 8 í morgun en þá var klukkan rétt yfir 12 á miðnætti þannig að þeir eru núna 8 klst. á eftir okkur.

Morgundagurinn (dagurinn í dag) fer í það að finna hjólin og taka þau úr tollinum og gera klár fyrir næsta áfanga og vonast þeir til þess að geta lagt af stað á morgun föstudag.


4. júlí - Seattle PDF Print
Wednesday, 04 July 2007

Létu vita af sér þegar þeir millilentu í Seattle. Þar var rúmlega þriggja tíma bið áður en þeir lögðu af stað til Anchorage í Alaska, eða um klukkan 21.00 að okkar tíma.

Sverrir farinn að tala sína Flórídensku og þeir kampakátir eftir mjög svo stífa daga í Japan.

Eins og Sverrir sagði í gær þá fara þeir yfir dagsmörkin þannig að þeir eiga að lenda í Alaska á nánast sama tíma og þeir lögðu af stað á frá Tókíó, eða um klukkan 17.00 þann 4. júlí!

Það er stór áfangi sem þeir eru búnir með, og það verður gaman að fylgjast með þeim þegar þeir fara Alaska, Kanada og Bandaríkin. 


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 July 2007 )
July 3rd - Leaving Japan to morrow PDF Print
Tuesday, 03 July 2007
Alot to do today finishing every thing connecting with the transportation of the bikes to Alaska. Read all about it on Sverrir blog. You can find the link in the top menu.
July 2nd 2007 - Hotel Washington, Tokyo PDF Print
Monday, 02 July 2007

They've left the apartment and said goodbye to Antony Hardy.

Today was spent making arrangements for the flights to the US, both for the motorcycles and themselves. The motorcycles have been delivered for shipping and they will fly to Anchorage, Alaska, on Wednesday. It's not inexpensive but they knew they'd have to spend a fair bit to get from Japan to America.

They're at hotel Washington outside Tokyo, near Narita airport. Being able to watch an American movie without dubbing was an experience - the first time in a long while. It's amazing what a difference small things can make.

Tomorrow the paperwork will be completed and then they depart at 5pm, July 4th. This is a 16 hour flight, crossing the dayline, so they'll land the same "day" as they depart.

Last Updated ( Monday, 02 July 2007 )
1. June - Weekend trip PDF Print
Sunday, 01 July 2007

It's been a great weekend with the Cajun group. driving around a very interesting area, up mountains, between lakes, a bikers dream.

When they came to Tokio Antony took them on the motorway witch has many levels, and it was fun to drive  there.

Drove 554 km. today and it was around 20° C. Are now back in the flat that they got.

They are going on the train tomorow to go downtown and it will be interesting to see how things will go for the next few days. Hopefully everything will go well. 

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