Around the world
May 30th 2007 - Travelers Hut PDF Print
Wednesday, 30 May 2007

This morning they headed out rather early as they had to get to a store that opened at 9am.

When they arrived at the borders there was a blackout so they had to backtrack about  50km to the town where they spent last night in order to get more gas.

Entering Mongolia from Russia took about 3 hours. Everything went well but sorting out the papers always takes time. Bernard, the Swiss, was at the borders heading back to Russia having given up on the dirt roads in Mongolia.

The scenery reminds them of Iceland. It's as if they're riding on Sprengisandur or Kjölur. This shouldn't be very surprising as Mongolia is a volcanic country.

Today they rode 320km, thereof 220 in Mongolia.

As they day went on they arrived in a small town where they were offered to stay. They decided not to accept as they didn't feel secure with all the gear and the bikes. Instead they rode on until they found a Travelers Hut where they slept tonight.

The altitude is 2.185m and they've estimated 5 days for the trip to Ulan-Bator, the capital of Mongolia. 

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 30 May 2007 )
May 29th 2007 - The Altai mountains PDF Print
Tuesday, 29 May 2007

This morning before they left the Mrs at the hotel brought Einar a bar of chocolate as a birthday present.

They started off in decent weather and rode towards the Altai mountains. A bikers dream, twists and turns, hills and valleys. Went up to an altitude of 1700, down to 750m and then again up to 1800m.

The borders are at 2100m altitude which is about the same as Hvannadalshnjúkur in Iceland. Yesterday they got all the way there but because they couldn't get a place to stay the night they had to go back 50km only to get an unheated room with an outside WC. "Wonderful" was their word for it. They'd bought a loaf of bread, some cheese, sausage and beers for supper.

It's been cold, only 5-9°C (41-48°F) and windy. But the scenery is lovely and nice to ride through it.

Tomorrow they're going in to Mongolia and will be riding there for a few days and look around before heading to the capital. 

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 06 June 2007 )
May 28th 2007 - Biysh PDF Print
Monday, 28 May 2007

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Einar. Happy Birthday to you!

The brothers were happy today when calling via mobile phone. They went to Novosibirsk this morning and got the tires they wanted for their trip into Mongolia. After that they rode about 360km to a small town called Biysh where they're staying at a small cute hotel.

As they were entering the hotel a Rotary meeting was starting and Sverrir got invited in. It turned out that they'd been waiting for someone and mistook Sverrir for that person. There was a person from Anchorage, Alaska, overseeing the meeting and he gave them their business card and made them promise to visit when they'd finally arrive. At the end of the meeting there were pictures being taken and our two travelers used the opportunity to take a few pictures as well. There was also a woman from a local newspaper who interviewed them and an article will be published one of the next few days.

Their room has the American history up on the walls and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. A spring in Sverrir's mattress is poking through and the bottom of Einar's bed fell out as he took a seat on it.

Dinner was a nice Russian steak.

They've been in contact with Þór Daníelsson who works for the Red Cross in Mongolia and he's promised to help them while they're there. Einar also got an e-mail from a Japanese woman he's been trying to get in touch with since April in order to secure transport for the bikes from Japan to Alaska. Everything is looking good right now.

Hopefully they'll make it into Mongolia on Wednesday. 

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 29 May 2007 )
May 27th 2007 - Novosibirsk PDF Print
Sunday, 27 May 2007

They've arrived in Novosibirsk. They rode 330 km today and are staying at a luxury hotel where some of the people are speaking English. It's Russia's third largest city with about 1.5 million inhabitants and is somewhat Western to see. There aren't many tourists.

Tomorrow they'll try and find new front tires and hopefully buy a better map of Mongolia.

Remember to visit Sverrir's blog to see pictures from the trip. 

May 26th 2007 - Near Kazakhstan PDF Print
Saturday, 26 May 2007

Yet another long day. Starting off in rain and cold, only 10-12°C (50-55°F). They're at the flats of West Siberia north of the Ural Mountains. The scenery is very monotonous.

The distance today was around 700km.

Tomorrow they're heading to Nowosibrisk to get front tires for both bikes and a better map of Mongolia.

They're currently at GMT+7. 

Last Updated ( Sunday, 27 May 2007 )
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